As the school year draws to a close, it is time to focus on opening the door to new opportunities that summertime can bring.

As the bell rang throughout Byron High School at 3:00 pm on the afternoon of May 26th, many eager students and I flooded the hallways for the last time until fall. As the doors closed behind us, we were leaving behind the school year and opening doors in all different directions to go our separate ways. Summer looks different for everyone, but for me, it opens the door to being able to focus on new goals.
Towards the end of each school year for years I have always taken the time to write out my summer bucket list full of things that I want to experience or accomplish come fall. Though not always realistic, I have always felt that having goals and giving my life a little bit of structure for the longest, yet shortest, three months of the year keeps things exciting.
On the list this year are the obvious things such as enjoying family time, eating good food, and getting a summer tan, but I am also trying to focus on goals for myself that go a bit deeper.
Closing the door on a school year full of self-discovery and learning about my interests, I want to use the time that summer allows to open new doors and start paths towards some of my long-term goals.
As I reflect on this past school year, there are many things that have helped to shape my goals for this summer. After completing my first AP History class this year, I have been inspired to further explore the creation of our country through books and research. This year I purchased my own camera and hope to become more serious about photography. After some great auditions this spring, I also am excited to travel to San Francisco to dance this summer, which is sure to be a great experience.
The most influential of them all, however, has been the Youth Columnist program here at the Post Bulletin. It has been my main outlet for growth.
This year my eyes were opened to how much I love writing about things I am passionate about, and how cool it is to know people all over the community are getting to see my work and listening to what I have to say.
My biggest goal this summer is to discover how to continue writing and use what I have learned from the program to stay connected with this community.
The columns I have written throughout the year have all revolved around the topic of social media and the culture of our world. Though social media has never been my thing, through all of the research I have done I feel like I am ready to embrace everything it has to offer safely. This summer I plan to start my own blog that I can use to continue writing and reach even more people.
Though my time writing for the Post Bulletin is nearing the end, I am so thankful for everything that it has shown me. Closing the door on this era does not mean it is over, it just means it is time to open a new one with this new perspective. You all have been an amazing audience, but I cannot wait to see what opportunities the next chapter will bring. Look out world, here I come!